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Sargent County EMS Services

Trent Mahler (Forman) Ambulance Coordinator
Brian Tayer (Milnor) Assistant Ambulance Coordinator
Ryan Johnson (Gwinner) First Responder

About the Sargent County EMS Services

Sargent County Ambulance is a county based service that was formed in 1972 and is funded by tax dollars, donations, memorials and patient income. Two separate ambulances, located in Milnor and Forman, cover Sargent county and part of Ransom County. Our coverage area is approximately 866 square miles and we serve a population of around 4,300.

We are staffed by National Registry EMT-Basic's, and EMT-Intermediate's along with nurses, and CPR certified drivers. We also have First Responders located in Gwinner, Rutland, Havana and Forman. All of the squad members volunteer their time to provide pre-hospital care to the county residents.

911 calls are received by State Radio which in turn dispatches the closest ambulance. The ambulance personnel are notified via a pager system. These actions put the emergency care system into high gear.


The Sargent County Ambulance Service through volunteers have filled a gap in this county for many years. Its existence is because of those that in the past and present have given of time and energy to be of service to each of us, at a time when our need is highest. Illness, accident, sudden health, they answer our calls with trained expertise and kind hearts .

Sargent County is a rural county with a small population and our services exist because of volunteers to keep both ambulances manned to the required level. As we all evaluate our busy lives and our shortage of time, can you find time to make a difference to be a VOLUNTEER? This is the Call for HELP! WE NEED YOU!


The mission of the Sargent County Ambulance is to provide excellent care and quality out of hospital care and transporation. We are committed to excellence by continually making improvements that not only affect the community but also each other.


Sargent County Ambulance has instructors that are certified by the DOT and by the North Dakota Department of Health. They are certified to teach intial and refresher classes of EMT Basics, First Responders, CPR, and First Aid.

If you want an EMT-Intermediate or EMT-Paramedic class we can arrange it. We would be more than happy to set up or find a class for you. Contact us.

Certification Levels

CPR Driver:
They are trained in CPR and ambulance operations. They drive the ambulance to and from the scene, help with CPR if needed and retrieve equipment from the ambulance for use on a call.

  • Training Time: 8 hours
  • Certification Period: 2 years
  • Recertification: Repeat class

First Responder:
They are trained to provide basic emergency medical care because they tend to be the first persons to arrive at the scene of an incident.

  • Training Time: 40 hours.
  • Certification Period: 2 years.
  • Recertification: Complete a 16 hour First Responder refresher, a 24 hour EMT-Basic refresher, or audit certain classes of a full EMT-Basic class.

They are trained to care for patients at the scene of an accident and while transporting patients by ambulance to the hospital under medical direction. They have skills needed to assess a patient's condition and manage respiratory, cardiac, and trauma emergencies.

  • Training Time: 140 hours.
  • Certification Period: 2 years.
  • Recertification: 48 hours of continuing education and a 24 hour EMT-Basic refresher which includes CPR.

They are trained with all the skills of an EMT-Basic plus they have more advanced training that allow the administration of intravenous fluids, application of advanced airway techniques and equipment to assist patients experiencing respiratory emergencies.

  • Training Time: 75 hours plus the EMT-Basic training.
  • Certification Period: 2 years
  • Recertification: 36 hours of continuing education, 24 hour EMT-Basic refresher which includes CPR, and a 12 hour EMT-Intermediate refresher.

They are trained with all the skills of an EMT-Basic and EMT-Intermediate and are also able to administer drugs orally and intravenously, interpret electrocardiograms, perform endotracheal intubations, and use monitors and other complex equipment.

  • Training Time: 1300 hours plus the EMT-Basic training.
  • Certification Period: 2 years
  • Recertification: 24 hours continuing education, 48 hour EMT-Paramedic refresher, and current CPR and ACLS certification.


Volunteers are the heartbeat of an ambulance service. Are you interested in becoming a Driver, First Responder, or EMT? Contact Brian Tayer or Trent Mahler for information on how.

Contact Us

Trent Mahler
County Ambulance Coordinator
Office Phone: 701-724-6241 ext 126

Brian Tayer
Home Phone: 701-427-5333
Work Phone: 701-427-5240

Ryan Johnson
Cell: 701-680-0337

Frequently Asked Questions

What levels of training are available for certifications?
CPR, First Responders, EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, EMT-Paramedic.

Where is the training available?
Sargent County Ambulance is able to train in First Responder, EMT-Basic, CPR, and First Aid. For EMT-Intermediate and EMT-Paramedic, area instructors are available. We will come to your place to give training to groups.

Is the training held at specific times of the year?
Classes are held on an as needed basis.

Who do we contact if we have an interest in the training?
Contact Brian Tayer or Trent Mahler and they will put you on the right track. Phone numbers are in the contact us area.

How old do you have to be to become an EMT?
You must be 16 years old.

Click here to view Certification Levels and information (PDF)

Sargent County Ambulance

Brian Tayer (Milnor)
Ambulance Coordinator

Trent Mahler (Forman)
Assist. Ambul.Coordinator

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